Prep Time
5 minutes
Our haskap berry powder makes wonderful teas and infusions.
We've experimented by adding slices of lemon, honey and cinnamon and even dunked a camomile bag in the water for extra depth of flavour.
Our research colleague Dr Giovana Celli did some work on the first haskap powder we produced to see if the anthocyanins remained stable when making infusions at different temperatures. She found the anthocyanin content was stable with boiling water after 4 hours.
However, all herbal and fruit teas are best made with water that's just off the boil.

1 tsp Haskapa berry powder
1 slice of lemon
1 cinnamon stick
Blend a heaped teaspoon of Haskapa powder with a little cold water
Top up with just-boiled water
Add a slice of lemon and/or a cinnamon stick
Infuse for 3-5 mins