This amazingly colourful breakfast bowl is all-natural! Created by Instagrammer @p.for.petalicious. It's quick and easy to put together.
Breakfast Smoothie Bowl
Prep Time
5 minutes
Cook Time
0 minutes
This amazingly colourful breakfast smoothie bowl is made with all-natural fruit. The deep colours are thanks to using freeze-dried pink dragonfruit pulp and Haskapa berry powder. To achieve the exotic appeal of this delightful bowl means gathering the right ingredients to hand, which, thanks to the internet, are easy to find.
Blend Haskapa powder with coconut yoghurt for one half of the bowl, and do the same using the dragonfruit pulp for the other half.
Then get creative with how you arrange the bowl!
Top tip: Visit and to buy some of the ingredients online.

Coconut yoghurt
Haskapa Berry Powder
Dragonfruit pulp (pink flesh)
Freeze dried strawberry + blueberry + kiwi + banana
Raw organic bee pollen
Blend Haskapa powder with coconut yoghurt for one half of the bowl, and do the same using the dragonfruit pulp for the other half.
Then get creative with how you arrange the bowl!